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Under This
"Black And White EP"

Newcomers Under This (Dimitry, Sergey and Pavel) hail from Latvia. The threesome have delivered us one melting-pot of an EP with genres ranging from breaks, electro to 80's synth pop.
The Baltic wonderkids meld the all these sounds together to form their unique, solid and cinematic sound. First up is 'Tonight' with its 80's tints the drums wouldn't sound out of place on a Human League track or Pet Shop Boys remix from the 80's. Add in the distorted electro bass and espionage themed melodies and you could be forgiven you were watching a spy thriller soundtrack.
Lead track to the EP 'Black and White' takes the beats down a more breakbeat avenue. Plucked and precise keyboard riffs pedal against the chord changes and trademark distorted bass. End track 'Revolution' mixes up big beat drums and wall-of-sound synths with quirky riffs before ending up in a 303 crescendo. A fine example of what a debut EP should be.

Written & Produced by Dmitry Kondrashov, Sergey Dreling & Pavel Poplavsky.
Published by Dharma Songs.
(P) & (C) 2008 Distinctive Records

1. Tonight Buy Track ( 0.75)
2. Black And White Buy Track ( 0.75)
3. Revolution Buy Track ( 0.75)
Buy All Tracks ( 2.08)